Antonio piccinno
Tony y Svenja SmoothFlowBachata
Me en RD 🇩🇴🌴
Despite having been to the Domenican Republic, we wanted to bring the sunny vacation feeling from this great song into our cold Swiss winter days ☀️ Hoping to visit this beautiful country, the birthplace of bachata, someday!
💃 @svenja.marja
🕺 @tony_smoothflow
🎤 @princeroyce #meenrd
🏠 @smoothflowbachata
🎥 @danfelixscherrer
#bachata #smoothflow #smoothflowbachata #bachataflow #bachatafusion#bachatasensual❤️ #bachatadancecouple #bachatateacher #bachatapassion #bachatadancers #bachata2024 #princeroyce #republicadomenicana #bachatafeeling #bachataholics #bachatavideo #gowiththeflow #dance #bachatamusic #tonyysvenja
30 de enero de 2024