GAAP commissioned UNITY as a fundraising tool. Our primary focus is to help abandoned, disabled and orphaned children in Nigeria and the wider African continent and all proceeds will go to GAAP's cause.
The album contains three tracks, produced by Alex Wilson, written and featuring Douglas Elom aided by an esteemed group of volunteers to whom GAAP would sincerely like to thank for making this important charity project possible.
Please visit GAAP's official website and donate anything from £2 upwards to download your personal copy.
A personal appeal against Piracy
Once you have kindly donated, please do not copy UNITY for friends or family as our objective is to raise money for the less privileged and disadvantaged children in Africa. Please encourage your friends and family to also donate and download the track.
To listen and a link to purchase, visit
Track Title :Unity
Artist : Alex Wilson featuring Douglas Elom
Executive Producers :GAAP Orphanage Foundation
Produced, directed and arranged by Alex Wilson
We would like to extend special thanks to the following individuals who donated their time and facilities for free :
Günther Geiger, Douglas Elom, Bayo Elom, Aquilla Fearon, Neil Mcleod, MC Magico, Andy Robertson, Alex Wilson, Shanti Paul Jayasinha & Paul Booth